White House Creates Trade Enforcement Center

If there is one thing that President Obama has made a priority, it’s trade.  Whether successfully concluding a series of bilateral trade agreements  or the National Export Initiative, the realization is that the US and other countries must fairly trade with one another to make our own economy stronger.

The White House announced the Center through an Executive Order .  The Center will operate under the Office of the US Trade Representative and be supported by leadership from Agriculture, Homeland Security, Justice, State, Treasury and intelligence assets.  Their missions and functions will include enforcement, information exchange and outreach.  The director will come from USTR and the Deputy Director from Commerce.

While any talk of fair trade usually is an oblique reference to China and their currency, the Administration is insistent that goes beyond one country.  It is about making American goods competitive in other markets and lowering trade barriers to our goods and services.  The FY 2013 budget requests $26 million in funding for the group.  Until the budget request is fulfilled, Commerce is redirecting funds within the agency to jumpstart the group with a hope to get it up and running within 90 days.

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